Foto: Privat
Jeg har litt bloggtørke om dagen, all nesten tid går med til å vaske (men nå er vi hvertfall ferdige). Så jeg tenkte det var på tide å ty til alle bloggeres favorittgreie: Spørsmålsrunde! Så spør i vei, jeg svarer på alt, med mindre det er noe jeg ikke har lyst til å svare på.
Q&A-time! Ask me anything and maybe I'll answer.
liker du harry potter & if so gleder du deg til den siste filmen? hihihi
SvarSlettwhat time era inspires you the most in terms of fashion style?
SvarSlettDo you have any new favourite movies? & have you ever seen lykke li live?
SvarSlettAre there any notable figures or icons or movie characters that you take inspiration from (when you dress)?
SvarSlettdo you look at any specific types of fashion style and cringe?
SvarSlettwhat's your thought on outfit repetition?
SvarSletti just saw a photo of you from your blog (you were holding an avocado and a spoon) on someone's tumblr and they didn't credit you at all! Are you on tumblr, what do you think of the site in general? xo
SvarSletthow do people react when they see you dressed in lingerie?how come it is so cool for you to party dressed in such a provocative way?Is it OK for you to be the only one in lingerie at a party? (there were such pics on your previous blog and at the time they were taken you were obvioysly wasted, but i guess you went there dressed like that )
SvarSletti am not being critical here!quite on the contrary ,I admire your style and i wish your answer will provide me with a hint to overcome my stylistic prude-ness =D If you reply,of course.
liker du smågodt? hva er favorittgodteri/snackset/sjokoladen din? eller is eller whatever. og hva drikker du helst? alkohol altså.
SvarSlettåh, jeg vet egentlig ikke om jeg har noe spesielt å spørre om, ville aller mest si at jeg liker bloggen din så utrolig godt. bildene, det du skriver, alt! fint og inspirerende. takk
SvarSlettwould you ever do a short video of you saying something in English and Norwegian? :D
SvarSlettDo you tend to dwell and linger on the past or would you say that you are more of a positive person?
SvarSlettp.s. you're beautiful
what are some of your favourite foods? I love potatoes, multigrain bread, roast vegetables and sushi myself (not that you would care because im just an anon but oh well :) )
SvarSlettbeste butikker i oslo?
SvarSlettet reisemål du kunne tenke deg?
favoritt artister/band?
mest inspirerende motehus?
hva liker du med britney?
where does all your inspiration come from? I often feel that i am only inspired by seeing someone else wear a certain fashion.. i can never create something new myself. Do you feel like you create many of your own, new fashions, or rather adapt things you see others wear?
Do you ever find dressing as you do... i donno, hard? or tiering? do you ever wish you could just not care about what you were wearing?
SvarSlettFavoritt designer?
SvarSlettHva inspirerer deg i hverdagen, klesstilen osv?
Hvem er den personen du ser høyest opp til?
Hva er din favoritt rett?
Hva slags musikk hører du på?
Finnes det denne slags type gutter der du bor?
this is silly, but do you actually, genuinly love all the incredibly cool and glamurous things you do?, like i remember in your old blog you talked about loving to read really old books.. i love the idea of it (and have loads of them stacked on my bedside table:P) but i never get around to reading them, because i find them kind of hard to understand and boring. thats just and example, but do you ever do things because you think they are very glamurous to do? (:
SvarSlettHva jobber du med, eller hva studerer du?
SvarSlettHva gjør du når du kjeder deg?
Hva synes du selv du er flink til, og hva er du skikkelig dårlig på? Evt. hva vil du bli bedre til?
Hvilken av årstidene liker du best?
Og beste låt for øyeblikket?
which are your favourite films or directors? has any film influenced the way you dress?
SvarSlettfavourite contemporary artists or exhibitions you have been to?
recommend a good book you think everyone should read.
SvarSlettwhat is your approach to dressing every morning? is it something you plan out the night before? or something you just throw together in a rush?
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettabsolute favourite meal?
SvarSlettwhat's inspiring you lately?
SvarSlettwhat kind of music do you listen to? any favourites?
SvarSlettwhat sort of thing urges you to blog? does a post need to fit any requirements?
SvarSlettthat guy in comment #17 is hot.
SvarSlettFinnes det noe annen by enn Oslo du kunne tenke deg å bo i, i Norge? Og om du skulle flytte til utlandet, hvor hadde du flyttet og hvorfor?
SvarSlettDo you do any exercices for your body like running etc.? You look so trained and trim :)
SvarSlettAnd i love your hair. That's just a fact, no question.
Veldig nysgjerrig på om du maler/tegner? Og har du noen favorittkunstner når det gjelder maling og tegning?
SvarSlettAre you happy with your life as it is now?
SvarSlettWhat was the best moment in your life ( if it's not too personal or impossible to answer)?
And please would you name some bands you listen to? I'm craving for some music lately and can't find anything good enough
hvor ser du deg selv karrieremessig om 1 år og om 10 år?
SvarSlettDo you have any special diet?
SvarSlettHow much do you weight?
Do you cut your hair by yourself or do you have it cut at hairdresser
maybe you could introduce/recommend us some of your favourite norwegian contemporary artists?
SvarSlettHva skal du bli når du blir stor?
Favoritt ting du eier?
Siste sangen du virkelig falt for?
Grei ut omkring opplevde fordelar og eventuelle ulempar, med det å ha "skapa seg" eit virtuelt selv.
SvarSlettwhat do you study/do exactly? im curious...
SvarSlettgod your so cool, you do not even have to answer. so annoyed with your hipster attitude.
SvarSlettDo you have a job? What exactly is it that you do? Are you studying?
SvarSletttips for å imponere... en du vil imponere?
SvarSlettWhat do you want to do in the future (I mean who would you like to work as)?
SvarSlettSånn jobbmessig.. Hva er det du driver med?
SvarSlettWhat's something you would never do?
SvarSlettHva vet du om samer og har du noen synspunkt om dem?
SvarSlettHei! Akkurat kommet over bloggen din, veldig fine bilder! Hvilke(t) kamera bruker du?
SvarSlettDu er fin.
SvarSlettwhat kind of contraceptives do you use? i know, weird question but i always gain weight from the pill and you seem to stay thin.
SvarSlettWhat is the difference between your new blog and the old one? I see it in terms of form but not in terms of content
SvarSlettHow would you describe the thin red line between 'inspiration' and 'plagiarism'?
SvarSlettWhat exactly have you studied? I understood from your old blog that you quit photo school - why?
SvarSletthey so i've got this big relationship question:
SvarSlettwhat's your secret to making it work?
you seem to have been with your man for a long time
so how do you keep up the passion. how do you make him still interested in you. how do you react when you guys had an argument. how do you get him to respect you. what special little things do you guys do to keep it going and last what's your favorite thing to do together???
sorry for being nosy :)
ohé from munich