Foto: Privat
Sånn så sommerens siste piknik ut. For anledningen valgte vi å slå oss ned i hagen til Vindern Psykiatriske poliklinkikk, mindre lurt kanskje, men det er så sykt fint der! Selve klinikken er også dødsfin, som en gammel herregård, hvis jeg noengang tipper over vil jeg havne der. Vi rulla hvertfall ut teppet og fortærte en halv langpanne nystekt focaccia, caprese-salat, hjemmelaget limonade og en flaske prosecco (Casabianca såklart). Så la vi oss i sola og titta på pensumbøkene mine etc. Har forresten gått i denne tightsen siden fredag, mmmm elsker tights. Du får den igjen snart, mamma.
Yesterday's picnic in a beautiful garden which just happened to belong to the local psychiatry clinic, oh well. Focaccia, caprese, prosecco and home made limonade, mmhmmm.
you look so grown up now! Did you get your hair cut? x
SvarSlettBare behold tightsen, kjære deg. Alt mitt er ditt, vet du.
SvarSlettMamma ;-)
Maja with her hair tied up, OMG! :)
SvarSlettperfect moment !! with wine and sun !
SvarSlettanonym: thanks i guess? no it's just a ponytail...
SvarSlettTAKK MAMMA <3
Hey Maja, what camera do you use? I'm looking for a good film camera and really like that the colours here aren't too stark but not overly 'retro'-looking either. Would be great if you replied! :)
SvarSlettthis is not film, its lightroom
SvarSlettps. the camera you use has little to do with how the colors turn out (analog speaking), that depends on what kind of film you use, the lighting, exposure etc
SvarSlettDefinitely a "thank you" would be appropriate - that was meant to be a compliment:) It's just that I don't remember seeing a photo of you with your hair tied up and I really enjoyed those photos.
SvarSletthad to google 'lightroom'...ah, it's like photoshop! ok, thanks!
SvarSlettanonymous: :)