Foto: Privat
Sitter i bakgården på hotellet og ser på at Sonja også blir sminka, lukter hårspray og håper noen kommer med lunsj snart. Paris er flott såklart, heldigvis er det ikke 36 000 grader ute, men mer 20-25. I går kveld når vi kom ut av flyplassen fløy det en liten fugl inn i ruta og ble liggende på bakken og småflakse/dø en grusom død, tenkte å ta den med hjem og ringe fuglevernet men så kom taxien. Hvor er Paradise-Maren når man trenger henne???
Mmm nå kom lunsjen.
Just got my makeup done so I'm just waiting for things to get ready in the beautiful backyard at our hotel. Paris is great as always!
hi from japan!
SvarSlettim one of your fans who cried the previous blog was closed.
seen many pictures of you but this one, you look really stunning!
very cat-like, coquette and i really like your make-up look.
please do some beauty post sometimes, i know it would be different from detailed ones on usual blogs.
have fun in paris!
You look pretty. I know it's more comfortable to post in your maternal language but I would love for you to post in english (and not just tiny translations) think about it!
SvarSlettI don't mean to sound pushy or expect you to "do what i've said", I simply felt like sharing with you that you have many foreign readers (you already know that :) that would love to read as well as visually enjoy your blog.
Heldig du er og fin du var med make up'en !
SvarSletti agree with flavia!
SvarSlettand you look beautiful as always :)
anonymous: hi japan! thank you and glad you're not crying anymore!
SvarSlettflavia: you're very sweet, though I've settled on norwegian this time, maybe you can use google translate?
ingvild: takk!
esther: thanks
why were you in paris? some fashion shoot?