If I know I'll have bad time in the morning I sometimes make a safe-plan, but my wardrobe basically consists of two pair of jeans, shorts and skirts and a number of shirts, so all I have to do is pick something out. Can't go wrong.
Absolute favourite meal?
Heaps and heaps of seafood. Crab, crayfish, oysters, mussels, scallops, everything.
What's inspiring you lately?
Things happening. My brain works in a very little logical way, I can go weeks without the will to do anything at all. But when things happen around me it makes me want to do even more things and then I end up being all stressed out.
What kind of music do you listen to? Any favourites?
All kinds! See last post.
What sort of thing urges you to blog? Does a post need to fit any requirements?
I think generally it's an urge to share the things I love and sometimes stumble over. I have more requirements for my post now than on my last blog, first of all it has to be something I think will be interesting for someone other than me, second I spend more time on putting together a decent text to compliment the pictures, sadly that's something you english speakers miss out on as I throw together the translations in two seconds, haha.
Finnes det noe annen by enn Oslo du kunne tenke deg å bo i, i Norge? Og om du skulle flytte til utlandet, hvor hadde du flyttet og hvorfor?
Nei jeg tror nok ikke det asså. Muligens Bergen. Men hvis jeg først skulle flytta noe annet sted hadde det blitt til utlandet. Kan egentlig tenke meg å bo litt overalt, for en mindre periode bare for å prøve det, men mest fristende nå er egentlig Stockholm (eksotisk) fordi de har alt Oslo mangler.
Do you do any exercices for your body like running etc.? You look so trained and trim :)
Haha no, not for five years. I eat rather healthy though, cause I don't want all kinds of shit inside my body.
Veldig nysgjerrig på om du maler/tegner? Og har du noen favorittkunstner når det gjelder maling og tegning?
Holdt på å svare ja masse, men jeg har jo egentlig slutta med det. Før tegna jeg hele tiden. Nå maler jeg en sjelden gang. Med trykk på sjelden. Jeg elsker Manet.
Edouard Manet 'Woman With Fans' (1873)
Are you happy with your life as it is now?
Yeah, everything is great right now.
What was the best moment in your life ( if it's not too personal or impossible to answer)?
In my life? Gosh how am I supposed to remember that. Have no answer, sorry.
And please would you name some bands you listen to? I'm craving for some music lately and can't find anything good enough.
You should check out Active Child. And Pantha du Prince.
Hvor ser du deg selv karrieremessig om 1 år og om 10 år?
Om ett år er jeg fulltidsstudent og har forhåpentligvis et vellykka firma, om ti år aner jeg ikke.
Do you have any special diet?
How much do you weight?
No idea.
Do you cut your hair by yourself or do you have it cut at hairdresser?
I have the best hairdresser ever, I won't let anyone else cut it.
Maybe you could introduce/recommend us some of your favourite norwegian contemporary artists?
Yeah, there are lots of great norwegian artists, you probably know Gardar Eide Einarsson, Bjarne Melgaard, Matias Faldbakken? You should check out Henrik Pask and Josefine Lyche, I love them. And when it comes to photography I like Vibeke Tandberg, Torbjørn Rødland and Eline Mugaas.
Foto: Torbjørn Rødland
Hva skal du bli når du blir stor?
Rik og glad.
Sykt vanskelig spørsmål. Vil helst ikke jobbe. Men kjeder meg med en gang jeg ikke gjør det.
Favoritt ting du eier?
Min sorte globus jeg ønska meg en evighet og som sto på kjøkkenbordet 14. februar i år.
Sort globus og restepeoner til 25 kroner. Foto: Privat
Siste sangen du virkelig falt for?
Falt for Tensnakes Coma Cat for andre gang når han spilte på Stratos på lørdag.
Grei ut omkring opplevde fordelar og eventuelle ulempar, med det å ha "skapa seg" eit virtuelt selv.
'Grei ut'-oppgavene var alltid de kjipeste på eksamen på vgs, men ok. Jeg tror jeg var mer bevisst på det der før, hva slags signaler jeg sendte ut og hvilke sider av meg jeg viste på bloggy. Noen utprega fordeler eller ulemper ved det kan jeg ikke si jeg har merka noe til, men det er klart det er luksus når du er tenåring å ha stålkontroll over hvordan du vil bli oppfattet. Men så maler man seg kanskje inn i et hjørne etterhvert. Nå er jeg mer opptatt av at folk skal synes det jeg poster er interessant.
Do you have a job? What exactly is it that you do? Are you studying?
Right now I assist in a magazine and work on a project that's still kinda secret, and next week I start a new job. And then this fall I'll go to uni.
Tips for å imponere... en du vil imponere?
Lær deg et kult triks og skaff pene ben.
What do you want to do in the future (I mean who would you like to work as)?
I'm not really sure, I want to do a lot of different stuff. Lately I've been thinking I'd be more comfortable curating etc instead of producing stuff. But I'll always keep taking pictures I think.
What's something you would never do?
Cheat, murder or wear sweatpants.
Hva vet du om samer og har du noen synspunkt om dem?
Jeg syns de i utganspunktet hadde et mer vettig forhold til mythos og logos enn resten av landet.
Hei! Akkurat kommet over bloggen din, veldig fine bilder! Hvilke(t) kamera bruker du?
Takk! Canon 60D med kitlinse. Kameraet er veldig bra, linsa not so much.
What kind of contraceptives do you use? I know, weird question but I always gain weight from the pill and you seem to stay thin.
I'm on Loette, haven't noticed any side effects. Only good ones.
What is the difference between your new blog and the old one? I see it in terms of form but not in terms of content.
Way to ask and answer yourself at once. I partly agree.
How would you describe the thin red line between 'inspiration' and 'plagiarism'?
I think a lot of people confuse the two, when I take pictures for example I try not to look at other photos so I won't be affected. Of course it's often unconsciously done, but I see a lot of "inspiration" gone wrong in the blog world too.
What exactly have you studied? I understood from your old blog that you quit photo school - why?
I finished my first year and decided I didn't need the second one.
According to you, what is the biggest advantage of living in Oslo/Norway?
Norway: We have a lot of money and we spend it on welfare. Oslo: It's diverse and you can walk everywhere.
What's something you would never do?
SvarSlettCheat, murder or wear sweatpants.
haha, fantastisk svar!