Liker du Harry Potter & if so gleder du deg til den siste filmen? HihihiÅh ja ja ja. Jeg er ikke så veldig stoka på filmene, men jeg kommer til å se den hvertfall.
What time era inspires you the most in terms of fashion style?Though I do love the 20's, I'd have to say the 90's when it comes to my own way of dressing. Tough I aim for timelessness.
Do you have any new favourite movies? & have you ever seen Lykke Li live?I love late 80s/early 90s movies these days. i just saw Reality Bites, it was ok, I love Winona Ryder though. And Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And I looove The Witches of Eastwick. Yes I saw her two years ago, she's great live.

The Witches of Eastwick
Are there any notable figures or icons or movie characters that you take inspiration from (when you dress)?Sometimes, but only right after I've seen the movie. Example: Betty Blue. But generally, no.
Do you look at any specific types of fashion style and cringe?I find it very amusing how all the 'fashion girls' wear nothing but bright pink, orange and, like, yellow these days. Most of them look horrible in it. Ok that was harsh. But most people don't look so good in neons do they.
What's your thought on outfit repetition?I do it all the time.
I just saw a photo of you from your blog (you were holding an avocado and a spoon) on someone's tumblr and they didn't credit you at all! Are you on tumblr, what do you think of the site in general? xoIt's ok, thats just the way it is I guess. I like tumblr but I don't have an account myself.
How do people react when they see you dressed in lingerie? How come it is so cool for you to party dressed in such a provocative way? Is it OK for you to be the only one in lingerie at a party? (there were such pics on your previous blog and at the time they were taken you were obvioysly wasted, but i guess you went there dressed like that).
I am not being critical here!quite on the contrary, I admire your style and I wish your answer will provide me with a hint to overcome my stylistic prude-ness =D If you reply,of course.I love how you've seen two pictures of me on the internet and therefore assume that everytime I go out, all I wear is underwear. In my previous post I wore a full-length dress, and the neckline is kinda deep so eventually it slipped down. It's just underwear.
Liker du smågodt? Hva er favorittgodteri/snackset/sjokoladen din? Eller is eller whatever. Og hva drikker du helst? Alkohol altså.Ja! Elsker alt som er lakris, sjokolade og bringebær/lakrissukkertøy. Yndlignssnackset mitt er crabsticks. Helst drikker jeg Crémant d'Alsace eller drinkene til min venn Cocktailnazi.

Sunnysides forrige lørdag. Foto: Julie Chiku.
Åh, jeg vet egentlig ikke om jeg har noe spesielt å spørre om, ville aller mest si at jeg liker bloggen din så utrolig godt. Bildene, det du skriver, alt! Fint og inspirerende.Takk skal du ha!
Would you ever do a short video of you saying something in English and Norwegian? :DNot in a million years.
Do you tend to dwell and linger on the past or would you say that you are more of a positive person? That really depends on what day you ask me, but I've become quite the positive person lately.
What are some of your favourite foods? I love potatoes, multigrain bread, roast vegetables and sushi myself (not that you would care because im just an anon but oh well :) )I love food, and I like pretty much everything, but I could live on avocado, pancakes, sushi and all types of seafood.
Beste butikker i oslo?Alt om Bar i Bygdøy Alle, de har alt du kan tenke deg av glass, siruper, drinkutstyr og sugerør. Et Dukkehjem i Markveien, et lite hull i veggen fylt til randen av gamle klær, stoffer, servise, nips, og gamle saker, + søt gammel dame som sitter på krakken sin og pruter med kundene. Ps. de tar bare cash.
Et reisemål du kunne tenke deg?Akkurat nå vil jeg mest til Japan.
Favoritt artister/band?Tilfeldig utvalg: Siouxsie and the Banshees, Vanessa Paradis, Mahler, Active Child og Nicki Minaj.
Mest inspirerende motehus? Dries van Noten og MMM.

Maison Martin Margiela
Hva liker du med Britney? Alt.
Stilikon?Nei egentlig ikke.
Where does all your inspiration come from? I often feel that i am only inspired by seeing someone else wear a certain fashion.. I can never create something new myself. Do you feel like you create many of your own, new fashions, or rather adapt things you see others wear?
:)I don't think that way, I just work with what I have in my closet and my mood and body. Like: Wanna feel like a Playboy bunny tonight, put on super short shorts and heels. And then I have my depression-dress, that's really soft in washed out black cotton and a little longer than my other dresses. Though when I see a trend emerge, I automatically back off. I don't see dressing as a quest to be fashionable, I see it as a way to be comfortable and feel good.
Do you ever find dressing as you do... i donno, hard? Or tiering? Do you ever wish you could just not care about what you were wearing?I'm so happy I turned out to be a person who cares about what I'm wearing. It just comes natural for me, not caring is not an option. Then again, that does not mean I spend hours getting dressed or give it that much though at tall, like I said it comes naturally. I get dressed in two minutes. Except when I feel ugly, then it takes forever haha.
Hva inspirerer deg i hverdagen, klesstilen osv?Liiiivet. Kjærligheten. Kunsten. Havet.
Hvem er den personen du ser høyest opp til?Åh jeg vet ikke, jeg har så mange bra folk rundt meg. Pass.
Hva er din favoritt rett?Sjømat sjømat sjømat. Det er kanskje ikke en rett. Moules marinière da. Det spiser jeg på bursdagen min.
Hva slags musikk hører du på?Jeg er veldig periodebasert når det kommer til musikk. Hjemme hører jeg typ bare på klassisk og franske visesanger, når jeg er ute og går alene hører jeg på alt og ingenting, akkurat nå mest hip hop, ute mest house, disco og boogie.
Finnes det denne slags type gutter der du bor?
KLEMHaha nei i grunn ikke.
This is silly, but do you actually, genuinly love all the incredibly cool and glamurous things you do? Like I remember in your old blog you talked about loving to read really old books.. I love the idea of it (and have loads of them stacked on my bedside table:P) but i never get around to reading them, because i find them kind of hard to understand and boring. Thats just and example, but do you ever do things because you think they are very glamurous to do? (: Haha, funny question. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, are books glamourous? The answer would be yes, of course I read them. Maybe you should stop buying books you find boring?
Hva jobber du med, eller hva studerer du?Akkurat nå jobber jeg for D2 og med eget firma, og på onsdag drar jeg utenlands for en modelljobb. Men det er jo ikke hver dag akkurat. Om en ukes tid begynner jeg i ny jobb på en bolig for funksjonshemmede.
Hva gjør du når du kjeder deg?Stirrer i taket.
Hva synes du selv du er flink til, og hva er du skikkelig dårlig på? Evt. hva vil du bli bedre til?Hmmm. Jeg er flink til å vinne i ludo. Og sykt dårlig på å snakke om viktige ting. Det burde jeg nok bli litt bedre til.
Hvilken av årstidene liker du best?Tidlig sommer og tidlig høst.
Og beste låt for øyeblikket?Young Dreams med sangen ved samme navn!
Which are your favourite films or directors? Has any film influenced the way you dress?Wes Anderson, John Hughes, Godard, Tarantino, Scorsese. Hmm hard to say, I often get excited about caracters in movies and yeah, the clothes they wear, but then I forget quite quickly.
Favourite contemporary artists or exhibitions you have been to?Most recently,
Nicholas Hlobo, omg so good.
Recommend a good book you think everyone should read.Tales of ordinary madness by Charles Bukowski.